A Selberg figure is easily distinguished by several attributes. The fine tolerances on the jaw slots, for example, are very precise so that movement is uniform and there are no unsightly gaps. Likewise, the eyes and eyelids - mounted in our exclusive brass modules - are beautifully articulated and moving eyelid shells conform accurately to the eyeballs.
Details in the sculpture and meticulous hand painting abound. Look closely at the attention paid to the colorations surrounding the eyes, gentle contours, smile lines and textures, the fine nuances of ears and lips. Teeth and tongues are skillfully carved and painted and strike the proper balance of proportion and realism - without going too far - that is perfect in characters of this type. Absolutely nothing has been overlooked.
Eyes that really sparkle are handcrafted with all of the beauty and detail of the finest glass eyes, but with the distinct advantage of being unbreakable. Each eye is individually handmade to Tim's specifications. They possess the soft, natural look of human eyes, revealing a great depth of color.
Reach into the figure's back and grasp the control post to move the figure's head in any direction. Facial animations are activated by moving the control levers comfortably placed on the post. Rod actuated mechanical controls are quiet, smooth and dependable. They are sensitive to the operator's touch. The mouth action is controlled by a thumb lever and the eyes move with a press of your index finger, returning to the center position when released. The distinctive Selberg Studios logo is branded into each control post, permanently identifying your figure as a Selberg Studios creation.
The facial sculpture is further defined in the painting process through the use of color, contrast, and highlighting. Tim's beautiful painting technique is one of his trademarks. Color highlights are artistically blended into the paint surface, where even the most subtle shadings can add a dramatic effect. Tim uses only the finest quality artist oils and durable enamel paints.
Beautifully detailed composition hands are standard on all figures. They are reproduced from originals that were carefully carved of basswood with gentle wrinkles, lifelike folds and exquisite detail down to the fingernails. Solid wood hands are also available on our wood carved figures.
Optional detailed feet may be ordered. These are ideally suited when a permanent bare foot effect is desired. Since they are styled in caricature type proportions, placing shoes over them is not recommended (available in both composition and wood).
Torsos are very light, and naturally contoured and balanced to sit alone. The neck socket is lined with leather and cradles the ball of the neck for smooth and fluid head movement.
Selberg Figures are sized to wear standard children's clothing right off the rack (2T to 4T in most cases). Unless specified otherwise, Figures are shipped unclothed since most clients enjoy choosing and shopping for wardrobe according to their own tastes. We offer specialized clothing where needed for certain Characters (e.g. Clown, Gangster, Percy, Oliver, etc.) that require specific or unusual sizing or costuming that is not readily available elsewhere. We are also able to provide quotes for other types of custom outfits upon request.
Also available shipped with your order are off the rack manufacturer label outfits. Boy's Outfit: include shirt, pants, belt (as needed), socks & shoes $75. Girl's Outfit: styles vary due to availability. Generally pants and a top, or a dress with stockings and shoes. $75.
Wigs are high quality and you may select from our color swatches. Several special order wig styles and colors are possible. Beards, mustaches, sideburns, as well as assorted synthetic animal furs, feathers, etc.
An exact copy of your figure can be ordered at the time the original figure is created. Most professional entertainers insist on having an identical back-up.